llinois HOSA is dedicated to enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality healthcare by providing opportunities for career and technical education knowledge as well as leadership development for the secondary, post-secondary, and collegiate students whose career interest is health science technology. Illinois HOSA is 100% healthcare.
The purpose of the HOSA organization is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program. Since its inception in 1976, HOSA has grown to over 200,000 members. HOSA has continued to sustain membership growth for the past two decades. HOSA provides its members with a comprehensive program of competitive events, training, development, recognition, scholarships, and partnerships for future health professionals. Highlights of HOSA’s programs include:
HOSA’s program incorporates continued health science education and development from the middle level to the secondary level to the post-secondary level to alumni. HOSA’s chapter model also allows for industry-based chapters to allow for the HOSA experience to happen simultaneously at the secondary/post-secondary institution and then to resume at industry-based HOSA programs where students serve as interns and/or entry-level medical jobs.
The goals that HOSA believes are vital to each member are:
The purpose of the bylaws is to guide the Illinois HOSA's board's actions and decisions. They are helpful in preventing or resolving conflicts and disagreements. They can protect the organization from potential problems by clearly outlining rules around authority levels, rights, and expectations.
IHOSAbylawsrevised2023.pdf 237.37 KB
policiesprocedures2021.pdf 751.6 KB
Interested in being apart of the Illinois HOSA Team? Fill out our IL HOSA State Staff Application.
Returning Board of Directors, Conference Manager, Officer Consultant and new applicants please send your applications to the IL HOSA Executive. Director
April Sonnefeldt Email: asonnefeldt@sd129.org
IL HOSA Executive Director
For Executive Director Applications return to the Board Chair.
Karen Calligaris Email: kcalligaris49@gmail.com
IL HOSA Board Chair
StateStaffApplication.pdf 89.12 KB